• Who We Are
  • Organizations
  • View Organizations
  • Weapons Engineering
  • Engineering Services
  • Infrastructure & Capital Projects
  • Physical Sciences
  • Chemical, Earth and Life Sciences
  • Advanced Computational Geosciences Initiative
  • Space Hazards Induced Near Earth by Large Dynamic Storms
  • Intelligence and Space Research
  • Nuclear Engineering and Nonproliferation
  • Laboratory Directed Research and Development
  • Operations (DDOPS)
  • Environment, Safety, Health, and QualityPlutonium Facilities Engineering
  • Detonator Production
  • Weapons Production
  • Analytics, Intelligence, and Technology
  • X Computational Physics
  • Electron Microscopy Lab
  • National Criticality Experiments Research Center
  • Radiation Protection
  • Plutonium InfrastructureInstitutional FacilitiesFire Protection OfficeX Theoretical DesignWeapons Research Services
  • Safeguards and Security Technology Training Program
  • Who We Are

    Infrastructure and Capital Projects Leadership

    Headshot of David Teter

    David Teter

    Associate Laboratory Director

    Headshot of Scott Kennedy

    Scott Kennedy

    Chief Operating Officer

    Headshot of Martin Owens

    Martin Owens

    Senior Director, Project Execution Office

    Headshot of Deb Lewis

    Deb Lewis

    Senior Director, Infrastructure Program and Planning Office

    Headshot of David Pesiri

    David Pesiri

    Senior Director, Project Management Resource Center

    Our People

    Deb Lewis image

    Deb Lewis

    Nearly 30 years at the Laboratory has taught her much about people, projects and poise

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    Gilbert Ratliff image

    Gilbert Ratliff

    Conscientious people person drives change at the Lab

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    Martin Owens image

    Martin Owens

    Nuclear energy facility expert is here to build

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    Bethany Wells image

    Bethany Wells

    When former UNM student Bethany Wells sat down to visit with her roommate’s parents nearly two years ago, she had no idea that this casual conversation would lead to her landing a dream job immediately after graduation.

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    Featured Projects

    Reusing excavated dirt saves more than $11 million and nearly a half-million pounds of carbon emissions image

    Reusing excavated dirt saves more than $11 million and nearly a half-million pounds of carbon emissions

    Los Alamos National Lab’s use of engineered fill is a win-win

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    Laboratory’s giant rotor headed for Switzerland image

    Laboratory’s giant rotor headed for Switzerland

    What’s 69 feet long, weighs 230 tons and took a slow boat from Japan to Switzerland — final destination Los Alamos? If you guessed a giant rotor that runs a pulse generator, you’d be right!

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    ICP Highlights

    Women in Engineering image

    Women in Engineering

    “Being a female in a predominantly male profession can have its challenges. But as a new hire, I've been impressed with the community at LANL. I'm welcomed as part of my team and feel supported by everyone as I learn to be proficient in this complex process.” —Camille Anaya, project engineer

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