Single Phase Flow, Transport of Heat and Mass

  • Original lattice Boltzmann model or Guo's incompressible model.
  • Single relaxation time (SRT) or Multiple relaxation time (MRT) for flow simulation.
  • Double-distribution function method for heat and mass transfer.
  • Knudsen diffusion for microgas flow.
  • Calculation of effective diffusivity, thermal conductivity, intrinsic permeability, Knudsen diffusivity, and apparent permeability of porous media.

Multiphase Flow

  • Improved Shan-Chen single component multiphase (SCMP) model.
  • Improved Shan-Chen muticomponent multiphase (MCMP) model.
  • Calculation of relative permeability.

Multicomponent Reactive Transport in a Single Phase Fluid

  • Advection and diffusion.
  • Homogeneous reactions among multiple species in a solution.
  • Heterogeneous reactions between dissolved species and solids.
  • Ion exchange and surface complexation.
  • Changes in solid and pore geometry due to dissolution and precipitation are tracked.
  • Multiple options to update pore geometry due to precipitation.
  • Various input parameters are read from an extensive database (EQ3/6) covering a wide range of geochemical systems with great flexibility and expandability.

Coupled Multiphase Flow and Multicomponent Reactive Transport

  • Water-vapor two phase flow with phase change and dissolution/precipitation based on the Shan-Chen SCMP model.
  • Two-phase multi-mixture model based on the Shan-Chen MCMP model.

Darcy-Scale Lattice Boltzmann Method

  • A resistance term is introduced in the LBE, which recovers pore-scale governing equaiton or Darcy equation depending on the resistance.
  • Ideal for flow simulation in multiscale porous media.
  • Knudsen diffusion is also considered for microgas flow.

Other Lattice Boltzmann Models

  • Boiling in porous media
  • Drying in porous media
  • Electrokinetic flow (e.g. electroosmosis)